You worry to much. I know you’re out there searching for all the latest things to market, and all the perfect scripts, auto responders and services. The problem is not any of those things. Truthfully the market is so wide open the only thing lacking is your belief in yourself. Do you want to know the real secret of becoming a millionaire? Do you truthfully want the answer?
You have to stop caring so much. I know that sounds odd, but hear me out. You care so much about saying it perfect that you don’t speak. You care so much about sending or writing the perfect ad you don't post one. You care so much about finding the best sponsor for your company that you let immobility stand in your way. Indecision becomes your best friend and your worst enemy all in one. Basically the only obstacle is you. I’ve been there and I know you have heard this before. You really have to look at this from a new perspective. Any perspective will do just find something that is an example for you to latch on to. You’re smart I know you will figure this out with the following examples.
Now ask yourself, “does Donald Trump give a damn about what people think about him?” NO, NO, NO, period. So what if you fail or make a mistake or your neighbors find out your secret desire to be rich. IF you can’t scream it from the roof tops then you are never going to make it. To put it simply if you care what others think it will hold you back and it will reflect in the prospects you are attracting. They will smell your fear and your shame. If you aren’t proud of what you are doing you are in the wrong profession or the wrong company end of story.It’s time to make a decision for yourself and take responsibility for your own life. You have been playing this game for too long to keep getting the results you are getting. It is time to learn about marketing, there are millions of books on the subject. Maybe it’s time to learn how to prospect, same holds true here. Maybe you just need to get out of your own way for once in your life and give yourself a break. There is that final option, give up.
I hope that doesn’t happen to you, but if you decide to quit do it now and do it quick. Don’t look back or you will die wondering “What if”
I wish you luck and great success. You must come out of the closet and play with the big boys and girls if you really want to have fun in the network marketing and direct sales business. It’s not easy in the beginning, but it becomes effortless and joyous with persistence.
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