It really depends now doesn’t it. Really think about this for a moment and ask yourself. Do I trust you? Not, Do you trust me? I am asking you to ask a question of yourself here. Take a good look in the mirror actually look deep into your own eyes. Really sit there and look at yourself as though you wanted to look into your own soul.
Now say in you head or even better out loud “Do I trust you?”
Well do you? Do you trust you? Will you keep your promises you made for the New Year? Will you trust those inward feelings when they compel you to move forward? Those crazy voices which say leap this is your chance. Go for it, you can’t win and you can’t fail if you don’t try. Just do it, ask her out on a date! Take a chance this time and buy that car. Quit your job. Leave that bum once and for all. Put down the beer and spend some time working towards your goals! Buy that book! Throw away that junk and buy something worthy of you! Tell that boss you deserve a raise and here is exactly why.Now do you really trust yourself? Funny isn’t it? I can ask you if you trust your spouse, your mother or father, your friends and for each one you will more than likely come up with a quick “Yes” or “No” response. I bet you even had a quick “Yes” or “No” for the do you trust yourself question.
Do you still feel the same about your earlier response? Are you living the life of bliss we all deserve? Will you look at yourself and what you want differently today than you did yesterday?
Regardless of what has happened or you think will happen in the future what could you do NOW that will move you toward your deepest desire? Isn’t there something you know you want to do so deeply that if you did it you would feel alive?
We are approaching a New Year, what are going to do this year that will make your mark. How are you going to impact the world in such a way that people are glad they know you? What things could you finally do, that would fill your heart with such passion that you just know that this is the moment to finally take the leap?
If you will ask yourself these questions today and allow yourself to actually come up with some answers you may just find your life’s passion. My hope is that you live the life you deserve and I would like to recommend a movie which just may help you see you truly deserve more.
Please click here to watch The Secret
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