If you know me then you also know how highly I think of my father. At our earliest of ages he instilled some of the core beliefs I hold dear especially now that I have three beautiful children of my own. One of these qualities, which was such a struggle for me, was absolute honesty. You have no idea how many times we heard that one lie breeds a thousand and life has enough going on without wasting time trying keep track of all your lies. I found out from experience and through his lessons that life is easier and requires much less work to simply tell the truth. Have I lied in life absolutely, with cost outweighing the benefit every time.
Problem is we are trained that subtle
mis truths are necessary for success. "Sure I got that report done" "I was stuck in traffic" "It's easy, anyone can do it". You even see it on TV and Internet "...he made $97,000 his first month in this business"
but he was in anther businesses just like it for 3 years learning his craft before that 97k. New investor has $1,000,000 net worth using this no risk system,
Yeah his net worth is paper showing the bank as the true owner. Don't get me wrong I know there are plenty of ways to make money. The problem I have is when so many of these advertisers seek out the lottery ticket hopefuls of the world.
If the guru's marketed their products to people who really what a change and prepared them for the challenges ahead. If they did this I am absolutely convinced more people would see true results in their lives. Companies that sell wealth creation products seldom set the buyer up for real success and only peddle hope.
People understandably what to get rich quick and are never really taught the fundamentals of obtaining wealth. Stay with me now and trust me I know, this is beginning to sound like bad news. I remember sitting in seminars and hearing the speaker say "...this is a get rich
SLLOOWWW game". I'm telling you a bullet would have been less painful upon hearing these words. DIEING inside every nerve and impulse screaming NO! that guy on TV said I would get rich quick. PLEASE GOD isn't there any way to make money quicker than a paycheck. Can't you see I am a good person I work hard I have dreams and children and a wife to take care of. I don't have time to get rich slow. I need money now.
You see I was like so many others out there who know there is a better way and would do what ever it took as long as I felt I could win. Embarrassed to say I have been up late at night finding myself captivated by the sales techniques of the real estate guru's. The what they tell and sell is exactly what you get, but they as Paul Harvey would say "Now the rest of the story". They don't tell you that you are going to have to learn to get out of your comfort zone. You have to commit to learning new skills that entrepreneurs have. You will have to spend money. Yes you can buy a house with nothing down, but you have to find the house correctly.
My point here is no business
endeavor I have found is free. Some cost less than others, but ultimately building a business cost's money. Ideally you will make enough so you can spend more which
ultimately will pay you back with increased time and money, this is a fundamental element of leverage.
The truth shall set you freeWhich brings me to his second great life lesson. Dad would always tell me, "Kenny the key to making money is to do what you love". WHAT? that's your great advice. I don't have a clue what I love or really even like for that matter... It took me years to figure this out and exasperated me to no end. "Do what you love, what is he talking about?" I don't love to work, I don't love to sell, I don't love being away from my family.
You see what I did know was what I didn't love and underneath it all my secret love was something I was unwilling to be honest with myself about for so many years. Even in my earliest of years I have always enjoyed selfless generosity. Sounds funny, but its true. I have always loved to help people grow and become better people by knowing me. Don't get me wrong I am far from perfect and if you worked with me in any of my eight years in Corporate America you would probably stand a few feet away, while watching for lightning upon reading this.
Fact is though my greatest love in life is showing people what has helped me and allowing them to share what has helped them in life. These articles are ultimately written because I have occasional impulses to share my life. My hope is that you will take a nugget here and there which ultimately leads you to your dreams.