Saturday, January 6, 2007

My Apologies

I have done the readers here a great disservice and I would like to formally apologize. In my zeal to get a great article out there for everyone to begin the New Year I forgot one of the most critical pieces to creating a great vision for yourself.

Hopefully you read last weeks articles, already doing so will prepare you for what I am about to tell you,

(If you’re an “A type” personality read last weeks articles first Vision, Happy New Year)

Like we discussed last week you must have a vision for the upcoming weeks, month and year. We also covered how important it is to create this vision in order to plan a roadmap for yourself. I even burnt your ear’s of preaching the importance of this new way of looking at things, BUT I forgot the one single tool.

I was looking over that article just to make sure I didn’t miss anything and wasn’t too long winded when all of the sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks. I forgot to tell you that 95% of the world can’t or simply won’t create a vision for themselves.

If you read the article and even finished it before this upcoming secret, be real honest with yourself right now. Did you create your vision? Did you write your eulogy for the year standing on 12/31/07? Did you really allow yourself to feel the joys and accomplishments of life you want to have this year?

Of course not, and why? Because I screwed up and put the cart before the horse, so to speak. You know how I know? Because when I began planning for 2007 I realized it is much easier to say what I don’t want. The sad part is, I knew this and do this everyday. It’s a technique called “Clarity through contrast” and is just a snippet of what you will learn from reading the “Laws of Attraction” by Michael Losier. By the way it is the book of the month because of this little gem.

So here is how it works. First of all you have to get out a sheet of paper or something you can take notes with, Yes I know it’s like going back to school so stop rolling your eyes with that disappointing sigh. I promise this time it will be worth it. Not to mention you will actually have a vision and a technique you can apply to anything you want in life.

Ok so create two headings with a line down the middle. Column one will be everything I want for this year. Column two will be everything I don’t want. Got it,… good.

Now begin writing down everything you don’t want. This is easy isn’t I don’t want this job, I don’t want this car. I can’t stand this noisy office.

Get the picture? Just start writing down the details you see for this coming year which you are unhappy with or don’t want. Isn’t this easy? Even if you are not writing I bet you are coming up with ideas already. If you are like me and about 99.9% of the rest of the world you can see this is very simple.

Funny thing the brain and our conditioning has no problem saying what we don’t want, but here is the beautiful thing. It’s all a trick. Yep a dirty low down trick. If you completed this task and wrote down everything you don’t want this year you have completed the best vision statement of your life.

Hopefully you think I have gone nuts at this point, but I also hope your still hanging in there with me. You see you still have one more column to complete. Remember that “What I do want this year” column? Now look at the right hand column and begin putting the opposite in the left hand column.

So when you said I don’t want to sit in rush our traffic anymore, put I want a pleasant commute to work. When you said I can’t stand rude clients, put I want all my clients to be pleasant and enjoyable. When you said I don’t want another boring vacation, put I am going to France.

Hopefully you see the value here. Yes it applies to anything in life. We are easily aware of what we don’t want by human nature. If you allow your self to focus on what you don’t want briefly you can instantly contrast that thought and become clear on what you do want, “Clarity through Contrast”

Now you know what you want read Michael Losier's book and go make it happen.